I don't want to blow up the internet, but I actually have no sentimental attachment to the traditional Thanksgiving Day meal.
Turkey? I can take it or leave it. Same with stuffing, and mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce.
Wait, wait. Don't stop reading just yet. I like apple pie.
Yes, there is a Terrible Towel for every major holiday. No, I don't have all of them yet.
Kind of.
While I don't have an attachment to the food, I do love that we have a day that reminds us - reminds me - to be grateful.
I try to be mindful and grateful for all of the opportunities and blessings I have in my life. But I don't always succeed. I get lost in the negatives - the day to day struggle reminding me of what I haven't done and who I haven't become. I often spend time in the weeds, forgetting to take a step back and look at the larger landscape.
I forget the flowers for the weeds.
Today I am especially thankful, that I have the privilege of aging. Despite every joke I could make about getting older, I can think of too many friends from high school and college who were not so lucky.
That, thanks to the efforts and struggles of many who have come before me, I have the freedom to marry the person I love.
That I have the physical health and well-being to go for long runs and lift heavy weights until my heart is content.
That I have family that I love and who loves me.
That I have chosen family. And living so far away from Pennsylvania, they get me through, especially on days like today when we can't be home.
But this year, more than anything else, I am grateful that I now have a career as a strength coach. That I get up each morning and drive to work at the facility and get to experience cool moments like the one below.
Yesterday, our client Tracy came in with her son Chris for a mother-son workout. Chris, watching his mom crushing a new PR of 250lbs on the deadlift, wanted to crush a PR of his own. So he went from a 65lb trap bar pull to a 105lb PR. And he had plenty more in the tank.
And it was my good fortune to be a part of the moment.
Wishing you and your family every peace and happiness today and always.