Greetings from soggy and wet Maine, where it's raining so hard that both of my dogs are still wet from being outside three hours ago...(Their ears are doing a good job mopping the floor though.)
These two are decidedly unmotivated…
If I had to name the number one challenge I hear most often when people find out that I'm a fitness coach, it's motivation.
"I just can't seem to get myself motivated to start anything," they say.
As I've written before, motivation is your unreliable friend. The one who, if you asked them to pick you up from the airport would forget to show up.
Most of us have the motivation formula backwards. We think that we need to feel like doing something before we do it. But how often do you feel like doing almost anything that you need to do?
I had been in a pretty good workout groove since December, but after spending two weeks in Texas for a workshop, I've struggled to get my mojo back.
We all have natural breaks in our routines, and more often than not, it's those breaks that can really do us in. We miss one week of workouts, and then before we know it it's been a month.
This is when I lean heavy on small actions. As any of you who have worked with me know, I'm a huge fan of tiny habits and small changes.
Because action breeds motivation.
Read that again, even if you've heard it before.
Action breeds motivation.
A tiny action of any kind busts us out of procrastination and feeling stuck and creates momentum. Last week in my private Facebook group, I decided to hold a 1 minute of action per day challenge.
Virtually everyone who participated in the challenge did more than one minute, because action is empowering and satisfying.
Taking an action - any kind of action - also provides us with evidence that we can do a thing, whatever that thing might be.
If you're looking for a little help, click here to join the Kim Lloyd Fitness Neighborhood, where we'll be doing a two-minute per day challenge this week.