In a few days I’m going to release my first free e-product.
Are you excited at the prospect?
Or are you wondering what the *** an e-product is?
It’s a free downloadable guide with tips on staying sane and on-track with your fitness goals during the holidays.
Rooney is a BIG fan of the holidays. Especially my annual holiday card.
But in the meantime, here are a few thoughts on managing your fitness during the holiday week.
1. Workout hard earlier in the week
Whether your traveling to family or family is coming to you, chances are Monday and Tuesday are for putting in a longer day at work and washing all of the sheets in the spare rooms.
Include a long workout one of these days.
This is your go all out, leave it all on the floor strength training session that includes a thorough 10 minute warm up (but you guys always warm up, right?), 45 minutes of strength training, and a finisher.* This type of workout will boost your metabolism, which is what you want heading into a holiday week.
2. Get in one more workout for the week
By Wednesday you’re probably doing food-prep and I live with a chef so I’ve seen what Wednesday nights before Thanksgiving can look like. So that’s the day for a quick kettlebell workout at home or a 20 minute walk with the dog.
For a short kettlebell circuit at home, try a reverse ladder of 10 kettlebell swings and one kettlebell clean. For the next cycle do nine swings and two cleans, until you’ve made your way to one swing and 10 cleans.
On Thursday you should eat. If you like Thanksgiving dinner, just eat.
By Friday, if you’re not still in a food coma, get back on the workout wagon with a quick trip to the gym or another at home workout.
3. Keep your toe in the water
The goal for the week is to stay present with the moments you have and enjoy the family, friends and food. That’s the goal for the week. Fitness-wise, it’s about having the mindset that you’ll do what you can for the week and not judge yourself for what doesn’t happen.
Most of all, don’t let this be a week that derails you for the rest of the year. We’ve got six weeks left in 2016. You don’t have to wait until January to get back on track.