Memorial Day Monday: A few cooking tips to get you started
Happy Memorial Day.
To my Dad, pictured here looking so dapper in his Navy uniform, my Godfather who served in Vietnam, my Uncle Jerry who served during the Korean War, all of my family, friends, all those who has served, and in special remembrance of those who never came home, thank you.
Handsome fellow, isn't he?
And quick trivia question, do you know where Memorial Day first began?
Well, I thought it was Boalsburg, Pennsylvania because I grew up near there, but a quick Google search lets me know that a number of different places claim to have hosted the first Memorial Day.
Good thing I googled.
In honor of the official start of the summer season, I thought I would revisit a couple of cooking videos that I posted last summer. The first one is best described as to cook a lobster.
To be fair, this was the first time I ever cooked an actual lobster, which I feel like made me more of an official Mainer. Though my actual Maine friends seem to think that this affirms that I am most certainly from away.
And for those of you looking for an actual recipe...what are you doing on my website? Kidding, of.
Anyway, below is a video that includes an actual recipe (sort of) for grilling salmon on a cedar plank. If you wait long enough, you will see flames. Because that is just how I cook.